STEM Club Student Sign-up
Welcome! The STEM Club provides a scientific community that focuses on all things related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and encourages success, diversity, and equity.
We encourage all members to have fun, develop friendships, and practice community building. Thank you for showing interest, we look forward to meeting you soon in our next meeting on Zoom or in Room 1819 at the Solano Community College Fairfield Campus.
If you'd like to join our club, click the join button below.
** If you won't be using Discord to communicate with the club please fill out the form section Discord Handle (i.e. JohnDoe#1234) with this phrase:
For now, I will not be using Discord to communicate with STEM@SCC but I vow to disclose my Discord handle in the event I choose to take part in STEM@SCC conversations on the platform.